This article will show you how to create an alert for any token. Whenever the token matches the conditions set, you'll receive an instant notification via email, Telegram, or webhook.
(For example you can set the alert to trigger when - Price increased by 50% in 1 Day.)
Step 1 - Accessing the Alerts Page
Click on the Bell Icon
2 - Token
3 - Create Alert
Step 2 - Entering Alert Details
Input your alert details as follows:
1. Name of the alert
2. Input the token name or address you would like to monitor.
3. Select the condition you would like the token to meet in order to receive notifications.
4. Set the alert frequency (Number of times you wish to get notified for the condition)
5. Provide the necessary details for receiving notifications. (If you're using Telegram for the first time, you'll be redirected to open a Telegram window in your browser after saving the alert. Make sure you're logged into your Telegram account in the same browser to verify your Telegram username.)
6. Once confirmed, click Save Token Alert
Congratulations! You've set up your first token alert. Now, whenever the token meets your specified conditions, you'll instantly receive an alert.
You can always access your existing token alerts on your Alerts page.